Бывалый писикарщик
Регистрация: 14.06.2013
Регион: Украина
Машина: Nissan Qashqai+2
Сообщений: 3,424
Сообщение от Евген_21
Я по сибкару так и сделал ,просто подумал что меньше всяких заморочек будет и проблем и нагрузок на фубар.
Кстати много чего поправил в шаблоне, как только дождусь от тебя твоей работы скину финал , (так думаю финал ) скина.
Посмотри, может пропустил чего ..
PHP код:
function RGBA(r, g, b, a) { return ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } function RGB(r, g, b) { return (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b)); } var DT_TOP = 0x00000000; var DT_WORDBREAK = 0x00000010; var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400; var DT_CALCRECT = 0x00000400; var DT_NOPREFIX = 0x00000800; var DT_LEFT = 0x00000000; var DT_RIGHT = 0x00000002; var DT_CENTER = 0x00000001; var DT_VCENTER = 0x00000004; var DT_SINGLELINE = 0x00000020; var DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS = 0x00040000; var font = gdi.Font("Segoe MDL2 Assets", 40); var font_big = gdi.Font("Segoe MDL2 Assets", 50); var font2 = gdi.Font("Segoe UI Symbol", 25); var g_font = gdi.Font("Arial", 23, 0); var Path = fb.FoobarPath; var g_img = gdi.Image(Path + "\\themes\\resize_img.png"); var is_VU = window.GetProperty("is_VU") var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var ctrl_exe = "ctrl.exe"; var ww = window.Width; var wh = window.Height; var flag = false; var name = "4Icar"; var imgPath = fb.FoobarPath + "Themes\\" + name + "\\Images\\"; try { var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_1"); }; catch (e) {} var is_rr_on = true; try { var rr = new ActiveXObject("RideRunner.sdk"); } catch (e) { is_rr_on = false; } var foob_window_title_prev = ""; //var FoobarWindowTitle = ""; //var FoobarTrimTitle = ""; var foob_media_info = ""; var foob_trim_title = ""; var foob_ttrim_title = ""; var foob_strim_title = "";
is_rr_on ? title_check_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(500) : title_check_timer = false && title_check_timer.Dispose;
function on_metadb_changed() { is_rr_on && title_set(); }
var m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch", 1); var rot1 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\rot1.png") var rot2 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\rot2.png") var rot3 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\rot3.png") var rot4 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\rot4.png") var DSP_S_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\dsp_s.png") var B = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\BUTTON.png"); var ZERRO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ZERRO.png"); var ANIM_BUT = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT.png"); var ANIM_BUT_L = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_L.png"); var ANIM_BUT_R = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_R.png"); var ANIM_BUT_L1 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_L1.png"); var ANIM_BUT_L2 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_L2.png"); var ANIM_BUT_L2 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_L2.png"); var ANIM_BUT_R1 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_R1.png"); var ANIM_BUT_R2 = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\ANIM_BUT_R2.png"); var NEXT_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\NEXT_ICO.png"); var PREV_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\PREV_ICO.png"); var PLAY_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\PLAY_ICO.png"); var PAUSE_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\PAUSE_ICO.png"); var STOP_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\STOP_ICO.png"); var SEARCH_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\search.png"); var LIBRARY1_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\lib1.png"); var LIBRARY2_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\lib2.png"); var CLEAR_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\clear.png"); var CLOSE_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\close.png"); var DEL_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\del.png"); var DSP_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\dsp.png"); var MILK_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\milk.png") var PLAYLIST_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\playlist.png"); var PREF_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\pref.png"); var SEARCH_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\search.png"); var SHOWNPL_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\show_now_pl.png"); var TAB_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\tab.png"); var TOOLBAR_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\toolbar_on.png"); var TOOLBAR_ICO_OFF = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\toolbar_off.png"); ; var ROTATE_ICO = gdi.Image(imgPath + "Buttons\\" + btn_type + "\\rotate.png"); var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var CtrlDown = ShiftDown = button_timer = xy = false; var button_timeout; var hbtn; var dbtn; var rbtn_up = true; var tooltip = window.CreateTooltip(); function Button(x, y, w, h, img, img2, onclick) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.img = img; this.img2 = img2; this.onclick = onclick; this.state = 0; this.opacity = 0; this.refresh = 0; this.xy = function (x, y) { return (this.x <= x) && (x <= this.x + this.w) && (this.y <= y) && (y <= this.y + this.h); } this.changeState = function (state) { if (!button_timer) button_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(60); window.RepaintRect(this.x - 2, this.y - 2, this.w + 4, this.h + 4); this.state = state; this.refresh = 1; } this.draw = function (gr) { var state = this.state; var op = this.opacity; on_draw(gr, x, y, w, h, img, img2, op, state); } this.Opacity = function () { if (this.state == 1 && this.opacity < 255) this.opacity = Math.min(this.opacity + 10, 255); if (this.state == 0 && this.opacity > 0) this.opacity = Math.max(0, this.opacity - 10); if (this.opacity == 0) { this.refresh = 0; button_timeout = window.CreateTimerTimeout(0); } }; this.onClick = function () { this.onclick && this.onclick(); } } buttons_on_mouse_move = function (x, y) { xy = false; for (var i = 0; i < $buttons.length; i++) if ($buttons[i].xy(x, y)) { xy = true; if (hbtn != $buttons[i]) { if (hbtn) hbtn.changeState(0); hbtn = $buttons[i]; hbtn.changeState(m_t); }; } if (xy == false) { if (hbtn) { hbtn.changeState(0); hbtn = undefined; }; } } buttons_on_mouse_lbtn_down = function (x, y) { if (hbtn) { dbtn = hbtn; dbtn.changeState(2); } } buttons_on_mouse_lbtn_up = function (x, y) { if (dbtn) { dbtn.changeState(1); dbtn.onClick(); dbtn = undefined; } } buttons_on_mouse_leave = function () { if (hbtn) { hbtn.changeState(0); hbtn = undefined; } } buttons_on_timer = function (id) { if (button_timeout && id == button_timeout.ID) { if (button_timer) window.KillTimer(button_timer); button_timer = false; } for (var i = 0; i < $buttons.length; i++) { if ($buttons[1].refresh) { $buttons[1].Opacity(); } } } SYS_check(); function on_playback_stop(reason) { switch (reason) { case 0: case 1: recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); break; case 2: break; }; };
window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", btn_type) var set_path = fb.ProfilePath + "\\settings\\"; var CTRL_prop = window.GetProperty("_CTRL_Time_Wait", 15000) window.SetProperty("_CTRL_Time_Wait", CTRL_prop); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'ctrl_timer', 'TimeWait', CTRL_prop) utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'plmanager', 'plmanager_status', 0) if (Man_set_off = utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'close_man', 'man_off') == 2) { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'close_man', 'man_off', 0); f } var man = window.GetProperty("SYS.Man Switch", 0); // прогрессбар function default_layout() { pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh-5, true); //pss.GetPanel(0).Show(false); //pss.GetPanel(0).Move(bw * 3, wh - bh - 3, ww - bw * 6, bh - 2, false); //было true if (panel == 9) { pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, 0, ww, wh - bh, true);
pss.GetPanel(7).Show(); pss.GetPanel(7).Move(0, wh - bh, ww, wh, true); // было true } };
SM_CXVSCROLL = 2; SM_CYHSCROLL = 3; var VK_BACK = 0x08; var VK_RETURN = 0x0D; var VK_SHIFT = 0x10; var VK_CONTROL = 0x11; var VK_ALT = 0x12; var VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B; var VK_PGUP = 0x21; var VK_PGDN = 0x22; var VK_END = 0x23; var VK_HOME = 0x24; var VK_LEFT = 0x25; var VK_UP = 0x26; var VK_RIGHT = 0x27; var VK_DOWN = 0x28; var VK_INSERT = 0x2D; var VK_DELETE = 0x2E; var VK_SPACEBAR = 0x20; var VK_Z = 0x5A; var VK_X = 0x58; var VK_Q = 0x51; var VK_A = 0x41; var VK_I = 0x49; var VK_E = 0x45; var VK_J = 0x4A; var VK_T = 0x54; var VK_U = 0x55; var VK_Y = 0x59; var VK_NUMPAD0 = 0x60 var VK_NUMPAD1 = 0x61 var VK_NUMPAD2 = 0x62 var VK_NUMPAD3 = 0x63 var VK_NUMPAD4 = 0x64 var VK_NUMPAD7 = 0x67 var VK_NUMPAD9 = 0x69 var KMask = { none: 0, ctrl: 1, shift: 2, ctrlshift: 3, ctrlalt: 4, ctrlaltshift: 5, alt: 6 }; function GetKeyboardMask() { var c = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_CONTROL) ? true : false; var a = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_ALT) ? true : false; var s = utils.IsKeyPressed(VK_SHIFT) ? true : false; var ret = KMask.none; if (c && !a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrl; if (!c && !a && s) ret = KMask.shift; if (c && !a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlshift; if (c && a && !s) ret = KMask.ctrlalt; if (c && a && s) ret = KMask.ctrlaltshift; return ret; }; var autolibtopl = window.GetProperty("Auto Library to Playlist", false) var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") var NOW_prop = 1600; var TAB_prop = window.GetProperty("_TAB_Timer", 10) * 1000; var SEEK_VOL_prop = window.GetProperty("_TAB_Timer", 10) * 1000; var DEL_prop = window.GetProperty("_DEL_Timer", 25) * 1000; var LIB_prop = window.GetProperty("_LIB_Timer", 20) * 1000; var VU_prop = window.GetProperty("_VU_Timer", 5) * 1000; var Milk_prop = window.GetProperty("_Milk_Timer", 6) * 1000; var swbt = window.GetProperty("swbt", 3); var swvk = window.GetProperty("swvk", 0); var SEEK_VOL_Timer = false; var Milk_Timer = false; var DEL_Timer = false; var LIB_Timer = false; var TAB_Timer = false; var VU_Timer = false; var NOW_Timer = false; var toolbar_timer = false; var click_timer = false; var btn_switch_timer = false; var butt_type = window.GetProperty("PROP.Button_type", "space.exe"); var butt_type2 = window.GetProperty("PROP.Button_type2", "shift.exe"); var toolbar_prop = window.GetProperty("PROP.Toolbar_Timer", 10) * 1000; var click_prop = window.GetProperty("PROP.Click_Timer", 30); var btn_switch_prop = window.GetProperty("PROP.Button_Switch_Timer", 3) * 900; var pb_font_name_prop = window.GetProperty("Playback Time Font Name", "Segoe UI"); var pb_font_size_prop = window.GetProperty("Playback Time Font Size", 25); var s = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Switch", 1); var set_path_wsh_data = fb.ProfilePath + "\\wsh_data\\"; var set_path2_wsh_data = download_folder + "\\wsh_data\\"; var download_folder = window.GetProperty("Download to Disk", "D:\\") var custom_folder = window.GetProperty("Download to Custom Folder|Disk", false); var sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide", false); var sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status", true); var q = window.GetProperty("swsq", 0), swsq //if (panel == 5) { //}
try { var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_1"); }; catch (e) { var btn_type = "btn_set_1"; }; var imgPath = fb.FoobarPath + "Themes\\" + name + "\\Images\\"; var d = new Date(); var g_font = gdi.Font(pb_font_name_prop, pb_font_size_prop, 0); var g_font2 = gdi.Font(pb_font_name_prop, pb_font_size_prop / 2, 0); var dsp_color = RGBA(210, 210, 210, 100); var dsp_off = 0; var bw = B.width; var bh = B.height; var background_color = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Background", "RGB(0,0,0)"); var bottom_gradient_color = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Bottom Gradient 1", "RGBA(15,15,15,200)"); var bottom_gradient_color2 = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Bottom Gradient 2", "RGBA(50,50,50,200)"); var bottom_gradient_color_angle1 = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Bottom Gradient 1 Angle", -90); var bottom_gradient_color_angle2 = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Bottom Gradient 2 Angle", 90); var bottom_gradient_color_angle3 = window.GetProperty("COLOR.Bottom Gradient 3 Angle", -90); var g_background_color = 0, g_bottom_gradient_color = 0, g_bottom_gradient_color2 = 0; function get_colors() { if (background_color.length > 0) g_background_color = eval(background_color); if (bottom_gradient_color.length > 0) g_bottom_gradient_color = eval(bottom_gradient_color); if (bottom_gradient_color2.length > 0) g_bottom_gradient_color2 = eval(bottom_gradient_color2); }; function on_colors_changed() { get_colors(); CollectGarbage(); window.Repaint(); }; get_colors(); var sac = saci = lbtn_down = false; var anim_time_step = window.GetProperty("SYS.Animation keyb Time Step setup", 3); var anim_step = window.GetProperty("SYS.Animation keyb Panel Step setup", 8); var animation_status = window.GetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", false); var a_timer = anim_time_step; var panel = window.GetProperty("SYS.panel", 6); var c_panel = panel, n_panel; var panels = 12; var old_panel = panel; var dir_move, move = false; var y = 3; var is_plmanager = 0; var c_x = 0; var n_x = 0; var c_ww = 0; var n_ww = 0; var timer_anim = false; var step_c = anim_step; var step_n = anim_step; var toolbar_open = 0; var on_mouse = false; function recalc_dimensions() { animation_status = window.GetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status") q = window.GetProperty("swsq"); ww = window.Width; wh = window.Height; bh = B.height; bw = B.width; bx = B.width; //by = wh - ANIM_BUT.height / 3 - 4; by = wh - ANIM_BUT.height / 3 - 4; var ROT_var; if (panel == 6) { ROT_var = rot1; swbt = 3; } else if (panel == 10) { swbt = 3; ROT_var = rot1; } else if (panel == 11) { swbt = 3; ROT_var = rot1; } else if (panel == 13) { ROT_var = rot2; } else if (panel == 9) { ROT_var = rot1; } else { ROT_var = rot3; } toolbar_open == 1 ? t_ico = TOOLBAR_ICO_OFF : t_ico = TOOLBAR_ICO; $buttons = [new Button(0, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, PREV_ICO, function () { fb.Prev(); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); }), new Button(bx, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, fb.IsPlaying ? (fb.IsPaused ? PLAY_ICO : PAUSE_ICO) : PLAY_ICO, function () { fb.PlayOrPause(); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); }), new Button(bx * 2, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, NEXT_ICO, function () { fb.Next(); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); }), new Button(ww - bx * 2, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, SHOWNPL_ICO, function () { if (NOW_Timer) NOW_Timer.Dispose() pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true); if (panel == 6) { if (!NOW_Timer) { try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} DEF_check() window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "chkBt"); } else if (NOW_Timer) { q++; if (q > 2) q = 0; window.SetProperty("swsq", q); DEF_check() CollectGarbage(); swbt = 3; window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false); try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } NOW_Timer = false; NOW_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(NOW_prop); } else { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } DEF_check() pss.GetPanel(14).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true); panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } } SYS_check() recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); swbt = 3; NOW_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(NOW_prop); }), new Button(ww - bx, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, ROT_var, function () { if (panel == 6) { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } } //3panel pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(1).Move(bw * 4, wh - bh * 2 - 4, ww - bw * 8, bh - 2, true); if (move == false) { swbt++; if (swbt > 3) swbt = 1 } else return; window.SetProperty("swbt", swbt)
if (swbt == 1) { SYS_check(); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'bio', 'panel', 0); window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false); panel = 13 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) {
move_panel(); old_panel = panel } if (sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") == true) { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(2).Move(ww - bw - 15, wh / 2 - bh * 3, bw, bh * 5, true); LIB_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(LIB_prop); } recalc_dimensions(); window.Repaint(); } if (swbt == 2) { window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false); panel = 12; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); //SYS_check(); } if (swbt == 3) { panel = 9; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } SYS_check(); pss.GetPanel(8).Move(0, wh - bh - 5, ww, bh, false); // было true pss.GetPanel(8).Show(false); // было true if (sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true) { // было true VU_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(VU_prop); } } //recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); // кнопка доп панели }), new Button(ww - bx * 3, by - 1, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, t_ico, function () { if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); if (VU_Timer) VU_Timer.Dispose(); if (LIB_Timer) LIB_Timer.Dispose(); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'close_ctrl', 'ctrl', 1) toolbar_open++ if (toolbar_open > 1) { toolbar_open = 0 } if (toolbar_open == 0) { pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true) //было true pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(5).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(3).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(4).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(7).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(false); SEARCH = false window.SetProperty("SYS.SEARCH_panel_status", SEARCH) } else { //pss.GetPanel(13).Show(true) //было true //pss.GetPanel(13).Move(bw * 4, wh - bh * 2 - 4, ww - bw * 8, bh - 2, true); //было true pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true); //было true pss.GetPanel(13).Show(false) // было false pss.GetPanel(4).Show(false) // было false ложь pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh * 2 - 5, true) // было true двойная панель toolbar_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(toolbar_prop); } window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh * 2 - 4, ww, bh * 2); recalc_dimensions(); }), new Button(0, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, DEL_ICO, function () { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } panel = 6 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "left"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } SYS_check() pss.GetPanel(4).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(4).Move(ww - bw, wh / 2 - bh * 2, ww, bh * 3, true); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true); DEL_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(DEL_prop); swbt = 3; recalc_dimensions(); window.Repaint(); }), new Button(bx, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, DSP_S_ICO, function () { try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/DSP/DSP #2 config"); } catch (e) {}; }), new Button(bx * 2, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, DSP_ICO, function () { pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true) toolbar_open = 0 if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } panel = 10; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } SYS_check() swbt = 3; recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); // кнопка milk }), new Button(bx * 3, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, MILK_ICO, function () { pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(0).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); //pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true) не понятно pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true) toolbar_open = 0 panel = 11; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } SYS_check() Milk_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(Milk_prop); pss.GetPanel(3).Show(false); // было true pss.GetPanel(3).Move(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh, false); // было true // кнопка выход }), new Button(ww - bx, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, CLOSE_ICO, function () { CollectGarbage(); if (DEL_Timer) DEL_Timer.Dispose(); if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); if (VU_Timer) VU_Timer.Dispose(); if (LIB_Timer) LIB_Timer.Dispose(); fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Exit"); }), new Button(ww - bx * 2, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, PREF_ICO, function () { fb.ShowPreferences(); // поиск }), new Button(ww - bx * 4, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, SEARCH_ICO, function () { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } panel = 6 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "left"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } SYS_check(); pss.GetPanel(5).Show() == true ? pss.GetPanel(5).Show(false) : pss.GetPanel(5).Show(true) & pss.GetPanel(5).Move(0, wh - bh - 301, ww, 299, true); ; pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true); swbt = 3 recalc_dimensions(); }), new Button(ww - bx * 3, by - B.height - 2, B.width, B.height, ANIM_BUT, TAB_ICO, function () { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } toolbar_open = 0 if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5, true) panel = 5; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 3; SYS_check() recalc_dimensions() window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_tool", "tool") })] } recalc_dimensions(); function on_draw(gr, x, y, w, h, img, img2, op, state) { gr.DrawImage(img, Math.ceil(x), Math.ceil(y), Math.ceil(w), Math.ceil(h), 0, state * h, Math.ceil(w), Math.ceil(h), 0, 255); gr.DrawImage(img2, Math.ceil(x), Math.ceil(y), Math.ceil(w), Math.ceil(h), 0, state * h, Math.ceil(w), Math.ceil(h), 0, 255); } function on_paint(gr) { gr.FillSolidRect(0, 0, ww, wh, g_background_color); //gr.FillGradRect(0, wh - bh - 5, ww, bh + 5, bottom_gradient_color_angle1, g_bottom_gradient_color, g_bottom_gradient_color2); for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //$buttons[i].draw(gr); //ккнопки } if (toolbar_open) { gr.FillGradRect(0, wh - bh * 2 - 5, ww, bh, bottom_gradient_color_angle1, g_bottom_gradient_color, g_bottom_gradient_color2); for (var i = 6; i < $buttons.length; i++) { $buttons[i].draw(gr); //ккнопки } // var dsp = utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'dsp', 'preset') } } var resize_time_prop = window.GetProperty("SYS.PANEL_RESIZE_TIMER", 300); var resize_delay_timer = false; function on_size() { if (resize_delay_timer) resize_delay_timer.Dispose(); ww = window.Width; wh = window.Height; //default_layout2() resize_delay_timer = window.CreateTimerTimeout(resize_time_prop); recalc_dimensions(); }; function on_mouse_move(x, y) { buttons_on_mouse_move(x, y); } function on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y) { buttons_on_mouse_lbtn_down(x, y); }; function on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y) { a = 1; lbtn_down = false; buttons_on_mouse_lbtn_up(x, y); } function on_mouse_leave() { m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") buttons_on_mouse_leave(); } function on_playback_pause(state) { recalc_dimensions(); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); }
function check_btns() { btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder"); if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder') != btn_type) { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', btn_type); btn_switch_timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(btn_switch_prop); }; }; function move_panel() { n_panel = panel; n_ww = ww; c_ww = ww; if ((dir_move == "right" & panel != 5) ? n_x = 0 - n_ww : n_x = c_ww); move = true; toolbar_open = 0 //window.Repaint(); //pss.GetPanel(n_panel).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, n_ww, wh - 5, true); pss.GetPanel(n_panel).Show(true);
timer_anim = window.CreateTimerInterval(a_timer); } function on_timer(id) {
if (resize_delay_timer && id == resize_delay_timer.ID) { if (!window.Width || !window.Height) { return; } toolbar_open = 0 bw = B.width; bh = B.height; bx = B.width; by = wh - ANIM_BUT.height / 3 - 4; default_layout(); resize_delay_timer.Dispose(); resize_delay_timer = false; recalc_dimensions();
// if (panel != 5) { //DEF_check(); //} window.Repaint(); }
if (timer_anim && id == timer_anim.ID) { if (move) {
if (panel == 9) { //pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - bh - 5, true); pss.GetPanel(n_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - bh - 5, true); } else { pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); pss.GetPanel(n_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); } pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(false); c_panel = n_panel; c_x = 0; n_x = 0; timer_anim.Dispose(); CollectGarbage(); move = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.panel", panel);
window.RepaintRect(0, y, ww, wh - y - bh - 5); } } if (title_check_timer && id == title_check_timer.ID) { title_set();
} if (toolbar_timer && id == toolbar_timer.ID) { if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); if (DEL_Timer) DEL_Timer.Dispose(); if (VU_Timer) VU_Timer.Dispose(); SYS_check() toolbar_open = 0 if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh- 5, true) window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh * 2 - 4, ww, bh * 2); recalc_dimensions(); } if (click_timer && id == click_timer.ID) { click_timer.Dispose(); fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Show now playing in playlist"); } if (TAB_Timer && id == TAB_Timer.ID) { SYS_check(); swbt = 3; recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (Milk_Timer && id == Milk_Timer.ID) { if (Milk_Timer) Milk_Timer.Dispose(); try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "MilEs.exe"); } catch (e) {}; pss.GetPanel(3).Show(false); milk_btn = false pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true) swbt = 3 pss.GetPanel(0).Show(true); DEF_check() recalc_dimensions() window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (NOW_Timer && id == NOW_Timer.ID) { if (NOW_Timer) NOW_Timer.Dispose(); NOW_Timer = false; } if (DEL_Timer && id == DEL_Timer.ID) { SYS_check(); recalc_dimensions(); CollectGarbage(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); window.Repaint(); } if (LIB_Timer && id == LIB_Timer.ID) { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); SYS_check(); recalc_dimensions(); CollectGarbage(); window.Repaint(); } if (VU_Timer && id == VU_Timer.ID) { VU_Timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(7).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false); VU_btn = false window.SetProperty("SYS.Channel spectrum panel_status", false); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (SEEK_VOL_Timer && id == SEEK_VOL_Timer.ID) { SEEK_VOL_Timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh, false); pss.GetPanel(0).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true) { if (VU_set_off = utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'VU', 'VU_off') == 1) { vu_switch_check() } } if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'VU', 'VU_off') == 2) { CollectGarbage(); vu_switch_check2() } if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib', 'lib_off') == 1) { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib', 'lib_off', 0); if (autolibtopl) { pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } SYS_check(); DEF_check() pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } SYS_check() } recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); swbt = 3; } if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'milk', 'milk_off') == 1) { milk_switch_check(); } if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'dsp', 'dsp_off') == 1) { dsp_switch_check(); } if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'del', 'del_off') == 1) { del_switch_check(); }; if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib', 'lib_next') == 1) { lib_switch_check(); }; if (click_timer && id == click_timer.ID) { click_timer.Dispose(); fb.RunMainMenuCommand("View/Show now playing in playlist"); } if (btn_switch_timer && id == btn_switch_timer.ID) { btn_switch_timer.Dispose(); try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; }; buttons_on_timer(); }
function on_mouse_rbtn_up(x, y) { MF_SEPARATOR = 0x00000800; MF_ENABLED = 0x00000000; MF_GRAYED = 0x00000001; MF_DISABLED = 0x00000002; MF_UNCHECKED = 0x00000000; MF_CHECKED = 0x00000008; MF_STRING = 0x00000000; MF_POPUP = 0x00000010; MF_MENUBARBREAK = 0x00000020; MF_MENUBREAK = 0x00000040; var _menu = window.CreatePopupMenu(); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_1" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 1, "Small • << My >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_2" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 2, "Small • << Dark >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_3" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 3, "Small • << Silver >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_4" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 4, "Small • << Classic >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_5" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 5, "Middle • << My >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_6" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 6, "Middle • << Dark >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_7" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 7, "Middle • << Silver >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_8" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 8, "Middle • << Classic >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_9" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 9, "Big • << My >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_10" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 10, "Big • << Dark >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_11" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 11, "Big • << Silver >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); var btn_type = window.GetProperty("SYS.Button Folder") == "btn_set_12" ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(btn_type, 12, "Big • << Classic >>"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); autolibtopl = window.GetProperty("Auto Library to Playlist") == true ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(autolibtopl, 15, "Auto Go to Playlist [Library] "); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") == 1 ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(m_t, 16, "Touch • ON"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0); sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(sw_vu, 18, "VU Buttons Auto Hide • ON"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") == true ? MF_CHECKED : MF_ENABLED; _menu.AppendMenuItem(sw_lib, 19, "LIB buttons • ON"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0);
_menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_ENABLED, 20, "Properties"); _menu.AppendMenuItem(MF_ENABLED, 30, "Configure ..."); ret = _menu.TrackPopupMenu(x, y); switch (ret) { case 1: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_1"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_1"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_1'); }; catch (e) {}; on_size(); try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 2: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_2"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_2"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_2'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 3: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_3"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_3"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_3'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 4: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_4"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_4"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_4'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 5: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_5"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_5"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_5'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 6: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_6"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_6"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_6'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 7: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_7"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_7"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_7'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 8: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_8"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_8"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_8'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 9: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_9"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_9"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_9'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 10: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_10"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_10"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_10'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 11: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_11"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_11"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_11'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 12: window.SetProperty("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_12"); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Button Folder", "btn_set_12"); try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Button Folder', 'Button Folder', 'btn_set_12'); }; catch (e) {}; try { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("File/Restart"); }; catch (e) {}; break; case 15: autolibtopl = !autolibtopl window.SetProperty("Auto Library to Playlist", autolibtopl) break; case 16: m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") m_t == 1 ? m_t = 2 : m_t = 1 window.SetProperty("Mouse_touch", m_t) try { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'Mouse_touch', 'set', m_t); }; catch (e) {}; rbtn_up = true break; case 17: animation_status = !animation_status; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_status", animation_status); m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") rbtn_up = true break; case 18: sw_vu = !sw_vu window.SetProperty("VU buttons auto hide", sw_vu) m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") rbtn_up = true break; case 19: sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") sw_lib = !sw_lib window.SetProperty("LIB buttons_Status", sw_lib) sw_lib ? pss.GetPanel(2).Show(true) : pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false) if (sw_lib) { LIB_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(LIB_prop) } m_t = window.GetProperty("Mouse_touch") rbtn_up = true recalc_dimensions(); CollectGarbage(); window.Repaint(); break; case 20: window.ShowProperties(); break; case 30: window.ShowConfigure(); break; } _menu.Dispose(); return true; } function on_key_down(vkey) { var mask = GetKeyboardMask(); if (vkey == VK_SPACEBAR) { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } toolbar_open = 0 if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) //было false pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true) panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 3; SYS_check() recalc_dimensions() window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_tool", "tool") } //VK_J if (vkey == VK_J) { SEEK_VOL_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(SEEK_VOL_prop); //звук SYS_check() swvk++; if (swvk > 2) swvk = 1 window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk);
if (swvk == 2) { pss.GetPanel(0).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(1).Move(0 , wh - bh-10 , ww, bh +10, true);
} if (swvk == 1) { pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(0).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(0).Move(0 , wh - bh-10 , ww , bh +10, true); } else { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); } window.SetProperty("swbt", swbt); window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (vkey == VK_I) { //дсп SYS_check() panel = 10; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel }
if (vkey == VK_U) { // радио 3 панели SYS_check() swvk++; if (swvk > 1) swvk = 1 window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); if (NOW_Timer) NOW_Timer.Dispose() pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); if (panel == 6) { if (!NOW_Timer) { try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} DEF_check() window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "chkBt"); } else if (NOW_Timer) { q++; if (q > 2) q = 0; window.SetProperty("swsq", q); DEF_check() CollectGarbage(); swbt = 3; window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false); try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } NOW_Timer = false; NOW_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(NOW_prop); } else { if (animation_status) { animation_status = false; window.SetProperty("SYS.Animation_Status", animation_status); flag = true } DEF_check() pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Show(); pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } } SYS_check() recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); swbt = 3; NOW_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(NOW_prop); } if (vkey == VK_NUMPAD3) { SYS_check() swvk++; if (swvk > 1) swvk = 1 window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); if (swvk == 1) { pss.GetPanel(12).Show(false); // было false panel = 9; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel }
pss.GetPanel(7).Show(); pss.GetPanel(7).Move(0, wh - bh, ww, wh, true); // было true swbt = 3 }else { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); } window.SetProperty("swbt", swbt); window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } //*********************************************************************************************************** if (vkey == VK_NUMPAD4) { // поиск SYS_check()
panel = 6 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "left"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } pss.GetPanel(5).Show() == true ? pss.GetPanel(5).Show(false) : pss.GetPanel(5).Show(true) & pss.GetPanel(5).Move(0, wh - 299, ww, 299, true); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(0).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); recalc_dimensions(); } //*********************************************************************************************************** if (vkey == VK_E) { //библ SYS_check() panel = 13 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } if (sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") == true) { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(2).Move(ww - bw - 15, wh / 2 - bh * 3, bw, bh * 5, true); }
if (vkey == VK_T) { //столбики SYS_check() panel = 12; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel }
} if (vkey == VK_Y) { //визи SYS_check() panel = 11; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel }
} if (vkey == VK_NUMPAD9) { SYS_check() swvk++; if (swvk > 5) swvk = 1 window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); if (swvk == 1) { panel = 5; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 3 window.Repaint(); } if (swvk == 2) { panel = 10; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 1 } if (swvk == 3) { panel = 12; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 2 } if (swvk == 4) { pss.GetPanel(12).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(7).Move(bw * 3, wh - bh - 4, ww - bw * 6, bh - 2, true); pss.GetPanel(7).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(8).Move(0, wh - bh - 5, ww, bh, true); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(true); panel = 9; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } if (sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true) { VU_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(VU_prop); } swbt = 3 } if (swvk == 5) { panel = 13 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } } if (panel == 13) { if (sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") == true) { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(2).Move(ww - bw - 15, wh / 2 - bh * 3, bw, bh * 5, true); } swbt = 2; } else { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); } window.SetProperty("swbt", swbt); window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } if (vkey == VK_NUMPAD7) { fdelay(); try { is_VU == 1 ? window.SetProperty("is_VU",0)&fso.deleteFile( set_path + "VU_" + "*" ) : window.SetProperty("is_VU",1)& fso.deleteFile( set_path + "VU_" + "*" ); ; is_VU = window.GetProperty("is_VU") fso.CreateTextFile( set_path + "VU_" + is_VU ); } catch(e) {}; RefreshPSS(); } if (vkey == VK_NUMPAD0) { SYS_check() swvk-- if (swvk < 1) swvk = 5 window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); if (swvk == 1) { panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 3 window.Repaint(); } if (swvk == 2) { panel = 10; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 1 } if (swvk == 3) { panel = 12; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } swbt = 2 } if (swvk == 4) { pss.GetPanel(12).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(7).Move(bw * 3, wh - bh - 4, ww - bw * 6, bh - 2, true); pss.GetPanel(7).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(8).Move(0, wh - bh - 5, ww, bh, true); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(true); panel = 9; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } if (sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true) { VU_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(VU_prop); } swbt = 3 } if (swvk == 5) { panel = 13 dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "left" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } } if (panel == 13) { if (sw_lib = window.GetProperty("LIB buttons_Status") == true) { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(true); pss.GetPanel(2).Move(ww - bw - 15, wh / 2 - bh * 3, bw, bh * 5, true); } swbt = 2; } else { pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); } window.SetProperty("swbt", swbt); window.SetProperty("swvk", swvk); recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); }; } function on_notify_data(name, info) { if (name == "DEF_check") { DEF_check() } } function del_switch_check() { if (DEL_Timer) DEL_Timer.Dispose(); DEL_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(DEL_prop); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'del', 'del_off', 0) } function lib_switch_check() { if (LIB_Timer) LIB_Timer.Dispose(); LIB_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(LIB_prop); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib', 'lib_next', 0) } function milk_switch_check() { if (Milk_Timer) Milk_Timer.Dispose(); Milk_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(Milk_prop); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'milk', 'milk_off', 0)
} function tab_switch_check() { if (TAB_Timer) TAB_Timer.Dispose(); window.SetProperty("SYS.Man Switch", 0); swbt = 3; recalc_dimensions(); window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 5, ww, bh); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'close_man', 'man_off', 0); } function tab_switch_check2() { if (TAB_Timer) TAB_Timer.Dispose(); TAB_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(TAB_prop); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'time_man', 'man_off', 0); } function vu_switch_check() { if (VU_Timer) VU_Timer.Dispose(); if (sw_vu = window.GetProperty("VU buttons auto hide") == true) { VU_Timer = window.CreateTimerInterval(VU_prop); } utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'VU', 'VU_off', 0) } function vu_switch_check2() { SYS_check(); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(7).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(false); window.SetProperty("SYS.Channel spectrum panel_status", false); window.SetProperty("SYS.VU_buttons_status", false) toolbar_open = 0 pss.GetPanel(c_panel).Move(0, y, ww, wh - 5, true); utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'VU', 'VU_off', 0) }; function SYS_check() { CollectGarbage(); q = window.GetProperty("swsq"); if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib_panel', 'lib_panel') == 1) { utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'lib_panel', 'lib_panel', 13); } toolbar_open = 0 if (DEL_Timer) DEL_Timer.Dispose(); if (toolbar_timer) toolbar_timer.Dispose(); if (VU_Timer) VU_Timer.Dispose(); if (LIB_Timer) LIB_Timer.Dispose(); pss.GetPanel(1).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(5).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(2).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(3).Show(false) pss.GetPanel(4).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(7).Show(false); pss.GetPanel(8).Show(false); SEARCH = false window.SetProperty("SYS.SEARCH_panel_status", SEARCH)
} function DEF_check() { q = window.GetProperty("swsq"); if (q == 0) { window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "dn"); } if (q == 1) { window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "up"); //window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "wt"); } if (q == 2) { window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "3p");
}; /* if (q == 3) { window.NotifyOthers("SYS.Butt_state", "3p");
}; */ } function dsp_switch_check() { if (utils.ReadINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'dsp', 'dsp_off') == 1) { swbt = 3 panel = 6; dir_move = panel > old_panel ? "right" : "right"; if (old_panel != panel) { move_panel(); old_panel = panel } DEF_check() utils.WriteINI(set_path + 'settings.ini', 'dsp', 'dsp_off', 0); try { WshShell.Run(set_path + "click.exe"); } catch (e) {} } recalc_dimensions() window.RepaintRect(0, wh - bh - 4, ww, bh); } check_btns(); function title_set() { tf_info = fb.TitleFormat("[$info(encoding)][ • $info(codec)][ $info(codec_profile)][ • $info(bitrate) kbps][ • $info(samplerate) Hz][ • $info(bitspersample) bps][ • $channels()]$if($stricmp($ext(%filename_ext%),cue), • '['cue']',[ • %filesize_natural%])$if($strcmp($info(cue_embedded),yes), • '['embedded cue']',)").Eval(); tf_artist = fb.TitleFormat("$upper([%artist%])").Eval(); tf_title = fb.TitleFormat("$upper([%title%])").Eval(); tf_txt = tf_artist + (tf_artist != "" ? " – " : "") + tf_title; tf_timer = fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time_remaining%").Eval(); tf_ttimer = fb.TitleFormat("%playback_time%").Eval(); tf_stimer = fb.TitleFormat("$muldiv(%_time_elapsed_seconds%,100,%_time_total_seconds%)").Eval(); foob_window_title = tf_txt; foob_media_info = tf_info; foob_trim_title = tf_timer; foob_ttrim_title = tf_ttimer; foob_strim_title = tf_stimer; try { foob_window_title_prev = rr.getinfo("=$CurrentSkinMediaTitle$"); //foob_media_info_prev = rr.getinfo("=$CurrentSkinMediaInfo$"); foob_media_info_prev = rr.getinfo("=!foobar_Info"); foob_trim_title_prev = rr.getinfo("=!foobar_rtracktime"); foob_ttrim_title_prev = rr.getinfo("=!foobar_tracktime"); foob_strim_title_prev = rr.getinfo("=!foobar_trackpos"); }; catch (e) { foob_window_title_prev = ""; foob_media_info_prev = ""; foob_trim_title_prev = ""; foob_ttrim_title_prev = ""; foob_strim_title_prev = ""; }; try { if (foob_window_title_prev != foob_window_title) { rr.execute("SETVAR;CurrentSkinMediaTitle;" + foob_window_title); foob_window_title_prev = foob_window_title; } if(foob_media_info_prev != foob_media_info){ rr.execute("SetLabel;!foobar_Info;" + foob_media_info); foob_media_info_prev = foob_media_info; } if (foob_trim_title_prev != foob_trim_title) { //SetLabel;!foobar_rtracktime rr.execute("SetLabel;!foobar_rtracktime;" + foob_trim_title); foob_trim_title_prev = foob_trim_title; } if (foob_ttrim_title_prev != foob_ttrim_title) { //SetLabel;!foobar_trackpos rr.execute("SetLabel;!foobar_tracktime;" + foob_ttrim_title); foob_ttrim_title_prev = foob_ttrim_title; } if (foob_strim_title_prev != foob_strim_title) { //SetLabel;!foobar_trackpos rr.execute("SetLabel;!foobar_trackpos;" + foob_strim_title); foob_strim_title_prev = foob_strim_title; } }; catch (e) {}; } function ch_state_btb(){ g_timer = window.SetTimeout(function() { if(fso.FileExists( set_path + "VU_1")) { fso.deleteFile( set_path + "VU_" + "*" ); fso.CreateTextFile( set_path + "VU_0" ) is_VU = 0; window.Repaint(); RefreshPSS(); } }, seconds); }
function RefreshPSS() { if (fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused) { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Play or Pause"); fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Play or Pause"); } else { fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Play"); fb.RunMainMenuCommand("Playback/Stop"); }
} function fdelay() { //var delay_timer = window.SetTimeout(function () { utils.WriteINI( set_path + 'settings.ini', 'VU', 'VU_off', 1 ); //window.ClearTimeout(delay_timer); //}, 1000); };